The cheapest and most successful solution for a Real Grass Lawn in Spain all year round.

About Us

We are a British - Canadian Internet Online shop with a presence in Spain offering its services and products (as suppliers and delivery only) in countries in the Mediterranean.
We grow and sell Grass and Grass Products, we are not a garden centre, an advice centre or help line.
Our unlimted support is limited to advice and support for the products that are advertised on our website and have been purchsed from us, we do not provide support on products we do not supply.
For services e.g. Soil Tests and On Site Consultancy, our support ends when the service has been provided.
Information for the general public is available on our website.
We grow and sell grass (grass plugs or grass seed) to customers who want to create a real grass lawn.
We also sell grass lawn products (fertilisers, weed killers etc) to enhance the service to our customers.
All of the products have been tested by us.
If you don't understand the advice on the website, or you feel that your knowledge or skills are not sufficiant for the task,
then to help, we can supply a bespoke step by step lawn project for you or your gardener to follow.
We always recomend employing the services of a good gardener.
We regularly work with and sell 'Bespoke Lawn Projects' to clients and/or their gardeners.
All our Products and Services we provide are chargeable and the prices are shown clearly on the relevant pages on the website.
The Terms and Conditions under which we supply these products and services are also published on the website.

To further enhance our customer service. For a complete list of the benefits of using lawns in spain see
"why use lawns in spain."
Our website contains lots of information and is there to provide help and advice for the public prior to placing an order.
We do not have reps, agents or offices, we provide an Order and Pay Online service and the products are delivered by courier to your door.

We are proud to support a cardboard and plastic recycling policy.

Real Grass Lawns

Lawns in Spain

Grass Lawns Newsletter

natural, organic, green
natural, organic, green