The cheapest and most successful solution for a Real Grass Lawn in Spain all year round.

The Best Time to water a Lawn

Packet of Grass Seed. Lawn Grass Seed. Packet of Seed. Lets Make a Lawn. Seeding a Lawn. Making a lawn from seed

There are resons why watering your lawn is better at certain times of day.
But the reality is for an established lawn, just before dawn is the best time. For the reasons please see the website for more information.

lawn mowing. mowing a lawn. cutting a lawn.

Common Advice

The best time to water a lawn is in the morning.
The best time to water a lawn is in the evening.

So which is best? The simple answer is water when it needs is it.
An example....

You are at the scene of a road traffic accident and the victim is dying. Do you wait to administer first aid in the evening or the next morning.??
Same with your lawn. A plant will be completely dead after a few hours with no water in the Spanish sun - so water your lawn when it needs it otherwise some or most of it will die.

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