Horse/Pony/Donkey Feed
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Feeding your horse in Spain is now easier. With a combination of plugs and seed, your field could be ready for grazing your horse in as little as 8 weeks.
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We have three types of grasses that are excellent for horse feed/grazing:
Masterclass "GP"
Oats and Barley Mix. Sow in the Autumn at 1 Kilo per 30M2. Fast growing. No need to water. Can be mixed with clover for optimum results. Once established requires no watering. Can be grazed direct or cut for hay. Cost 5.00 euros per kilo.
Masterclass Grade "B".
Good grazing for livestock, excellent for hay production and fair for erosion control.
Responds well to high fertility.
Grows 4 inches to 2 ft.
Fair Tolerance to drought
Good tolerance to the cold.
Adapted to most soil types, performs best on sandy to mix soils.
Grows in areas with 25" annual rainfall or greater.
Used for grazing, hay, and silage. It also can be used as a receiver crop for wastes from confinement animal operations, processing plants, and municipalities because the extensive root system takes up large amounts of nutrients.
Read more about Grazing, Hay, and Silage ...
Well adapted to close, frequent defoliation because of its low-growing, creeping growth pattern. During the active growing season, pastures often regrow rapidly enough to regraze every 10 to 21 days. For good animal performance, must be kept short and leafy. Tolerates a wide range of conditions and management, it is often planted in small pastures used by free-roaming grazing animals, such as pleasure horses. Withstands severe grazing pressure and trampling.
Produces high yields in response to high fertilizer or manure application rates. Hay cures quickly and, with proper fertilization and harvesting schedules, can produce satisfactory feed quality for many classes of animals.
For good silage, manage as you would hay, and cut every four to six weeks. Chop as short as possible, and pack the forage tightly in the silo before it wilts. For low-moisture silage, wilt the grass to 50 percent moisture and store it in a reasonably airtight structure (for example, a tightly packed trench silo sealed with plastic; a sealed plastic bag, capable of storing 100 tons or more of silage; or a covered, sealed tower silo.)
Hide this content.Masterclass Grade "A"
The most popular horse pasture because of its ability to persist.
However It contains an oxalate that inhibits the uptake of calcium.
This deficiency can be overcome by supplementary feeding a calcium supplement or by overseeding ryegrass and clover in autumn.
Responds well to high fertility.
Grows 4 inches to 2 ft.
Good tolerance to drought
Fair tolerance to the cold.

Yield ranges between 9 and 30 t DM/ha depending on N fertilization. Masterclass "A" response to fertilization is very good. In extreme conditions of water deficit irrigation (33% less water than optimal irrigation), Masterclass "A" provided the highest yield significantly higher with 17 t DM / ha / year when compared to 15 other perennial forages.
Masterclass "A" is a grass tolerant to salinity up to 100 mM, suggesting its possible utilization in saline land where the survival of other fodder species is markedly reduced. To provide forage throughout the Mediterranean summer when there are high temperatures and low rainfall and when cool-season grasses become less productive, Masterclass "A" provided the best combination of agronomic and yield characteristics which were similar to those of alfalfa when compared to seven other grasses.
Masterclass "A" is very resistant to constant heavy grazing and trampling provided it is well fertilized. It should be grazed at 5 cm height and allowed to regrow at 15 cm height to preserve forage quality and palatability. Masterclass "A" is mostly found in mono-specific pastures since it competes very seriously with other grass species. However, it can be sown with legumes such as Vigna parkeri, Arachis pintoi, Trifolium repens, Trifolium burchellianum, Trifolium semipilosum, Desmodium intortum and Neonotonia wightii provided that Masterclass "A" is sufficiently grazed to let the legumes grow. In mixed pastures, grazing at 10-15 cm height should be allowed every 6-8 weeks. Under heavy fertilization, Masterclass "A" can sustain stocking rates of 1.5-3 head/ha. However, stocking rates should be tight until the runners are growing vigorously and all bare soil is covered.
Horses and donkeys
Masterclass "A" pasture and hay is a common forage for horses in countries such as South Africa and Australia. In South Africa, observed DM intake were 8.3 and 4.7 kg/day for fresh forage and hay respectively. DM digestibility for fresh
Masterclass "A" and hay was 54 and 34%. In Australia, subtropical pastures containing
Masterclass "A" , Paspalum plicatum and legumes Lotononis bainesii and Trifolium repens supported adequate DE intakes in all classes of mares except for lactating animals during the late spring and early summer periods. Liveweight losses were recorded in these animals at this time but this did not appear to influence the mares' reproductive activity or foal growth rate, and protein or energy supplementation is not usually necessary.
* These grasses are suitable if used as part of a balanced horse feed diet.
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