Help with Lawns in Spain
One of our prime objectives at Lawns in Spain is helping the
customer get the most out of our real grass and grass products.
In order to achieve this we provide this help page to answer all your
If in our opinion a customer is inexperienced and has difficulty following our
advice, and has not taken our advice and employed the services of a Professional Gardener, then we
can supply a step by step project to guide them through the process.
For people looking for
help and advice before placing an order see our website.
Question Topics:
1 |
Finding what you're looking for on this site |
2 |
Site Activation (becoming a member) does not work |
3 |
When can I expect my order to be delivered. |
4 |
How is my order delivered? |
5 |
Choosing the right grass |
6 |
Planting the plugs |
7 |
How many plugs will I need |
8 |
How much will it cost |
9 |
Can you translate your web page of documentation for my gardener. |
10 |
Watering |
11 |
How long will your quote/advice be O/K |
12 |
How do I know what type of grass I have? |
13 |
What are Hybrids? |
14 |
How do I dilute my Concentrate? |
15 |
Can I get a refund for my site visit if I order products from you. |
16 |
I want to go ahead and place an order - What do I do? |
17 |
What is "Special Collection"? |
18 |
I need a solution that will produce an easy to maintain lawn |
19 |
What is nursery grass? |
20 |
I planted plugs but they are not growing. |
21 |
What are "Bonus Points" and how do they work? |
22 |
Do you do or send samples or can I buy a small quantity to try and see if it works. |
23 |
I watered my grass seed but it hasn't grown |
24 |
What is the Latin name of your grasses. |
25 |
What you shipped me looks like fertiliser not seed. |
26 |
My grass seed has germinated, I am still watering it but it has stopped growing |
27 |
My payment won't go through. |
28 |
I don´t get a response to my emails. |
29 |
The "Send Order" button does not work. |
30 |
There was no packing note or instructions with the delivery |
31 |
What are grass plugs |
32 |
I need the order sent tomorrow |
33 |
Our gardeners turn off the lawn irrigation in the Winter |
34 |
Plugs turning brown after planting them |
35 | Active Ingredients of products |
36 | What is your address |
37 | What is drought resistant grass |
1)Finding what you're looking for...
1) Using the Search box
Google word search lawnsinspain website for...
If you are not familiar with the Lawns in Spain website then use this search to find a word or phrase on the entire site.
For example if you are interested in Turf , then key in the word "Turf " in the search box and the results will show you all the pages that relate to information on turf.
2) Alphabetical List by Lawn Topic on Home Page.
Scroll through the list of lawn topics on the "Lawn Topics Menu"
3) Top Level Menu on every page
Use this to go straight to the page that you are interested in.
4) Use the "Tips...",
"more info...", "read more..." or
hyperlinks to
show you more information on your desired subject.
Just fill out your email and you will be immediately sent your activation link (to your email inbox) to gain access to, and read everything on the website.
2)Site Activation Does not Work.
We have noticed problems using some browsers.
Go to "Aerating a Lawn" and use that page to "become a member"
Then browse to the page you need information on.
3)When can I expect my order
We prepare each order individually and plant into shipping trays- This means its is not possible to calculate order delivery until it becomes a paid order with all charges and details on a Job ticket.
So to guarantee availability and delivery, we always advise placing and paying for your order ASAP. Every week we receive lots of enquiries, some people order, some change their minds, and as a business we aim to prioritise orders and give our best service and attention to actual paid customers.
For products (fertiliser, seeds etc)
please allow approx 7 - 21 working days from date of receipt of
payment*. For living
plant orders, as a rough guide please allow approx 4 - 6 weeks, however deliveries will depend on
what time of year, type of grass, the weather, stock levels and when we receive cleared funds*. Following this process ensures the quality of the product, as it allows time for the plants to be moved from their growing boxes, get established and hardened off in their final shipping trays.
This time delay is important for 3 reasons:
1) The plants survive the stress of the
transportation process.
2) It is easier when planting, to handle plants that are
established in solid root balls and not falling apart.
3) Root damage (and therefore growth checking) is
kept to a minimum as the root ball is undisturbed.
So weather you order 200 or 2000 plants you are sure they will arrive in tip top condition.
* Like all plants, rate of growth depends on time of year, weather conditions, soil etc, and delivery times may also depend on various other factors outside our control.
* Orders for live plants that are requested by the customer to be delivered on a shorter delivery are not recommended and are delivered entirely at the customers risk.
4)How is my order Delivered
When an order is ready to go, it is shipped to your door by courier on a 2 - 3 day delivery (for live grass next day delivery) not including bank holidays, weekends, or local fiestas between source and destination. We email you to notify you your order has been dispatched. Should you not receive your order within the stipulated time, then you must email us immediately (i.e. within 24 hours). The courier does not deliver orders to PO (Mail) Boxes. For more information please see our Standard Terms and Conditions on the site.
5)Choosing the right grass
See our Grass Gallery page. Each type of grass is described with a list of of its preferences. To provide additional help, you can go to our "Help Choosing the Right Grass" page, also use the "Easy Lawn Grass Picker" or the "Grass Selection Table".
6)Planting the plugs
See our planting grass plugs page for photos and examples
7)How many plugs will I need?
We have the cheapest, most cost effective and most reliable solution for your lawn.
The number of plants will depend on how fast you want your final lawn. For example if the grass type is fast growing and you are not in a particular rush for your law, you can plant at 10 plants per M2 (total cost approx 5 euros /M2). Or if if the grass type is slow growing or you want faster results, then plant closer, say at 20 plants per M2 (total cost 10 euros /M2).
The best time is to plant in spring with 9 plants per M2 (and that will cost you as little as 4.5 euros per M2), and you should get a lawn in one season, or you can choose to plant closer and you will get a complete lawn in 8- 12 weeks.
So if you're planting grass plugs, the choice is yours to suit your budget.
8)What will it cost
Please see the Products and Prices page, On-Line order form for prices.
9)Can you translate your web pages or documentation for my gardener.
For a number of reasons (gardeners from many different countries) we don't provide this service. See our Services page for what we do.
On an established lawn, all our draught resistant grasses will survive and grow on watering less than once per week - even in the summer.*
To establish plugs, you should think of watering every day until established.
For seed, several times a day to keep the seed wet should be aimed for.
11)How long will your quote/advice be O/K
Quotes are valid for 14 days.
Advice given (other than on the website) will only be good for a short period.
The weather changes and as a result the advice given at the time of enquiry may not be the best or an appropriate course of action later in the year.
12)How do I know what type of grass I have?
If you answer yes to any of the questions below - you have warm season grass.
o Does your grass appear to throw out runners and grow sideways.
o Does your grass slow down or stop growing in the winter.
o Does your grass go brown/white or change colour in the winter.
If you answer yes to any of the questions below, you have cool season grass.
o Does your grass grow mostly in the winter.
o Does your grass tend to go brown in the summer.
o Does your grass need lots of water in the summer to keep it alive.
13)What are Hybrids?
Hybrids are different types of the same grass. For example a Ford Fiesta could be the type and the hybrid could be one with a diesel engine. Basically looks the same but has a different engine and fuel consumption.
The same with grasses, the two may look the same but the hybrid may grow better in drought, grow better in the shade, requires less water, tolerates cold weather better, is a bit greener, grows taller etc.
14)How do I dilute my Herbicides or Concentrates?
There are 1000cc's in 1Liter of water.
e.g. If you have 15 Liters of water in your spray machine, you need to add 150 cc of concentrate for a 1% solution.
Add 300 cc of concentrate to 15 Liters of water, for a 2 % solution etc
15)Can I get a refund for my Site Visit if I order products from you.
No, because you have asked for advice from a specialist which is chargeable. We are not quoting to repair a car or installing a fitted kitchen and we are not gardeners. Once you have the advice from our specialist you can follow the advice or not, and you can order products from us or buy them elsewhere. The two are not connected.
16)I want to go ahead and order - What do I do?
1) We will either have visited you or you have asked us for a solution (maybe by sending photos or a phone call)
2) We may have sent you our recommendations for Lawns in Spain products or services (with prices) that will provide you with a solution to your problem.
3) If you agree with our suggestions then confirm by filling out our On-Line order form on the "Lawn Care Products & Prices" page selecting the products you wish to order. View your shopping cart and confirm the items you want to order, then select the "Checkout" button and fill out all the details requested on the form.
Read and tick the "I have read the terms and conditions box", then click "Send order" button.
4) On the next page, please select how you wish to pay.
5) If you choose pay by IBAN you will receive a Payment Ticket. If you choose a Payment Link, use the link our payment agent sends you by email ( in your browser), to pay by Debit Card.
This link is valid for only 9 days. After that, the ticket, link and the order is cancelled and we will assume that you no longer require the products or service.
6) Once payment is received then we will confirm your order and receipt of your payment. If we do not receive your payment, the order is cancelled and we will assume that you no longer require the products or service.
7) When products are shipped they are on a 2 - 3 day delivery (except grass plants which are next day delivery). The day, or day before the products are shipped. We inform you by email.
If you have any questions relating to your order then please read this help page
Note: It is our policy to only raise invoices for account customers.
17)What is Special Collection
Under certain circumstances we can arrange collection by the customer from an agreed collection point (e.g. Petrol Garage, MacDonnals etc) If a special collection is specified on the order form, there may be a small admin charge, and the collection will need to be scheduled to fit in with our drivers movements. Whatever the arrangements we will inform the customer.
18)I need a quick solution that will produce an easy to maintain lawn
The reality is that the more you initially spend on your lawn the faster it is to establish. The maintenance costs will depend on what type of grass you select. See our easy lawn grass picker.
Lets see some examples in terms of cost:-
Seed. The start up cost of seed is basically 1 euro per M2, but the work involved in getting the lawn established is very high, and with watering, ants and birds, dedication, failure is a definite possibility.
Plugs - around 5 euros per M2. Not initially the cheapest, not initially the easiest, but our clients track record has proven that this is by far the most successful and the most cost effective solution - Plant them, water them, feed them, and you will have a lawn.
Turf is the next option. The fastest solution for a Lawn. The startup cost of turf is relatively high - around 15 - 20 euros per M2 - Cost of preparation and laying is high, and the work involved in establishing and keeping this instant lawn healthy in the early months is significant.
Artificial/Synthetic Grass is of course another possible solution, but I have not spoken to anybody who has managed to get the start up costs down to below 50 euros per M2. After the installation, the maintenance is not always as simple as what is advertised.
19)What is Nursery Grass
Nursery grass is a temporary solution for a green lawn. It is cool season grass that is sown in the summer, with the intention that its only purpose is to protect the warm season grass until it gets established.
It is sown for the following reasons:-
1) To fill the space between the plugs with something green.
2) To avoid areas of bare soil that will ultimately attract weeds.
3) To protect the Warm Season grass plugs while they are getting established.
4) To reduce the water loss from the bare soil.
20)I Planted grass plugs but they are not growing.
I planted grass plugs about 2 or 3 weeks ago and they are still alive, but do not seem to be growing.
If its winter (i.e temperatures below 15 - 18 degrees) then Mediterranean grass will go dormant.
If the soil has not been prepared or is the wrong composition or pH then the grass will struggle.
If you do not water them every day for the first few weeks then they will struggle.
If you have not fertilised your new plugs then they will be slow to get established.
21)What are Bonus Points and how do they work.
Growing and maintaining a lawn is an on going process. So we
have introduced Bonus Points to give our regular customers the
benefits of discounts on their orders. Basically the more you
order the more points you get and the more regularly you order
the higher the discount.
So don't wait - to get the highest discount, order sooner
rather than later.
Also if you use the order form to place your order then we will give you another 50 bonus points FREE.
These discounts apply to Lawns in Spain products and also apply retrospectively to existing customers, so if you have already ordered products from us in the past then expect a discount next time you order.
For new customers discounts are only applicable after the first order.
22)Do you do or send samples or can I buy a small quantity to try and see if it works.
We don't give out samples or sell small quantities to "see if it works". We have a minimum order value of 150 euros.
If you are contemplating Artificial grass, we cannot help.
We also don't get involved in "experiments" with real grass, as invariably they are conducted under inadequate conditions, without the proper control conditions and generally by inexperienced individuals.
Grass has been designed to grow, by Mother Nature. Like any plant, you plant it in the right soil, water it and feed it - it grows, you don't - it dies.
It's grass, and we assure you, follow the guidelines and it will grow. If it doesn't, don't blame the grass.
23)I watered my grass seed but it hasn't grown.
Ultimately the grass is the Judge and the Jury, and the verdict is in the results.
Plant (grass) seeds are designed by mother nature to grow when they are watered, unless you believe that you have the type that dies when you water it.
So if the seeds don't grow, your perception of "watering", is not the watering that the seeds require.
There may also be other reasons, so see also article by Jonathan Green.. "My Grass Seed did not grow"
24)What is the Latin name of your grasses.
We have found that providing the Latin name of our grass types does not improve the final lawn result, to our customers.
We provide a description of what the characteristics of the grasses are. Which in all cases is much more understandable, more usfull, and is what the customer actually requires.
The success of a lawn, depends on following our advice and proper lawn care. Knowing the Latin name of the grass does not help your lawn repair or our advice for its repair.
25)What you shipped me looks like fertiliser not seed.
From time to time we ship coated seed.
No it doesn't matter what colour the coating is.
The germination is improved with coated seed ( 95% survival as opposed to 45% with non coated), but there are other advantages.
26)My grass seed has germinated, I am still watering it but it has stopped growing.
This a classic symptom of poor soil containing little nutrients. Depending on what time of year and what type of grass you have, you need to apply Lawns in Spain fertiliser.
27)My payment wont, go though.
Just like in Supermarkets, Shops, ATM Machines, sometimes your card is rejected. Either speak with your bank, use another card, or use another payment method.
28)I don´t get a response to my emails.
We always advise reading our website where you will see all sorts of useful and free information.
We do not respond to emails where the answer to the question is on the website. The website is perfectly adequate and we prefer not to repeat information that is already available.
Answering phone calls where the information is available on the website, is time consuming and impacts the quality of the service we provide to our customers. This policy allows us to maintain our focus on what we do best i.e. grow and supply grass to our customers. So if you haven't heard from us it's because the information is available on the website so please do not phone.
29)The "Send Order" does not work.
By checking the "I Have Read the Terms and Conditions" box, the button is enabled. This has been tested on PC and Laptop Windows, and on Android OS. If it still does not work then try to use a different browser or a different machine.
If it still doesn't work then please copy and paste the information on the order form via a normal email.
30)There was not packing note or instructions with the delivery.
To avoid the possibility of these documents being, lost or thrown away with the packing, we always send this information by email.
31) What are Grass Plugs.
Grass plugs are small rooted grass plants. They are generally sold in trays of 100 or 200 plants.
32) I need my order tomorrow.
All our grass plugs are grown to order which is normally a growing to delivery cycle of 4 - 6 weeks from date of payment.
In most cases our mature plugs are allocated to paid customers.
under some circumstances we may have stock that is almost mature and
can be shipped in around 2 weeks.
Please enquire
33) Our gardeners turn off the Lawn irrigation in the Winter
This ok if you have Warm Season grass which goes brown in the winter. But even then, the grass will need watering around once a month to keep it alive.
However this course of action could be disastrous if you have Cool Season grass (which prefers to grow in the Winter), or Warm season grass which stays green all year round.
34) Plugs Turning Brown after planting.
Q/ The plugs were received in good condition, kept in shade, and watered every day to aclimatise them.
4 days after planting, the leaves started to go brown.
Ans/ Discounting the least likely (chemicals in soil etc), the plugs are not receiving enough water.
See our Website for more information and our Planting and Aftercare Guide.
* Terms and Conditions apply.
35) Active Ingredients of products.
We have found that providing the active ingredients of products is not a priority in repairing a lawn. It is also counter productive.
36) What is your address.
Originally we published our address and were open to the public, but after a series of thefts of products and machinery, our hospitality was being abused so we decided not to open to the public and to only trade online.
We regret having to make this decision, but the security of our premises had to come first. We now do not give our address to strangers.
37) What is drought resistant grass.
Drought resistant grass is grass with deep roots that survives long periods of no rain or water. This does not mean it stays green, but simply "it does not die".