Lawn Care 🟩, Grass Care & Property Services - Lawns in Spain

The cheapest and most successful solution for a Real Grass Lawn in Spain all year round.

Lawn Care, Grass Care & Property Services


Our lawn care services include guidelines on lawn planning, pre-planting, post planting and lawn care and aftercare services.

All our services are chargeable, including visits - see list below. 

To place an order for any of our services, please use the form below.


Lawn Care Services:

Advice, Information and Support
We can now give you our best advice over the phone. You can speak with Greengrass on specific lawn issues and on how best to deal with your specific problem. 

The cost for half an hour consultancy with the expert is 50 euros payable in advance by Debit Card.
Alternatively we can arrange an On Site Consultancy if you prefer.


Pests 'r' Us - Garden and House Pest Control
see web page for details

General Lawn Project
(Success or Money Back Guarantee)

We are experienced grass growers, and are now offering you the opportunity to share in our professional expertise and secrets of really great lawn success. Follow the advice in our guide and you will have a great lawn in super fast time.

No more wasted time or effort. Backed by our success or money back guarantee.

Sent by return as PDF Format File.

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On Site Consultancy
Lawn Survey including advice and full report. Payable in advance and Costa Blanca only, other areas POA. We offer our services as a once off Gardening Consultant. Why not give call us and arrange a one on one visit, we will help you with a one on one meeting to give you recommendations on your lawn problem? We will inspect your lawn, identify any problems and give you all the guidelines to get your lawn back to life. After our site visit, we send you an itemized list of what you need to achieve a beautiful green lawn. Note: If you have a friend, gardener or management company then please introduce us. We would be happy to quote for a group meeting, or arrange a separate visit to assist them with any additional problems that they may have.

Note: Our once off service is completed once we have performed the inspection visit and delivered the report. No further support or advice is implied or provided under this service.

Site visits for Putting Green Designs are chargeable from 450 euros Costa Blanca (other areas POA).

Per visit 285.00        
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Plugging Service

We are experienced gardeners, and in our aim to please, we offer a pre plugging service, to take the hard work out of planting the plugs.

No need to buy a plugging tool, we do it for you. We make all the holes for your grass plugs with our special plugging tool. Cost is 150 euros per 500 plugs

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Soil Testing pH
Testing your soil prior to embarking on any work can save you thousands and provide useful information as to why an old lawn failed and what is necessary to ensure the success of your new lawn. The results take approximately 24 hours and are accompanied with a written soil report and recommendations. Use this test for a chemical solution to your soil problem.

1) Soil test prices are per lawn
2) In the event of non-payment, soil samples are only kept for one week. 

(all soil tests come with a report and remedy): 

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Soil Testing Salinity
There are many reasons why lawns fail. One of the most common reason in coastal areas (e.g. Torrevieja) is salinity.
Salt is actually mined in the areas around Torrevieja, and if your property is close to salt lakes (Salinas) then this could be a hidden danger in otherwise good soil.
Testing your soil prior to embarking on any gardening work can save you thousands and provide useful information as to why a lawn has failed and what is necessary to ensure the success of your new lawn. The results take approximately 24
hours and are accompanied with a written soil report and recommendations. Use this test for a chemical solution to your soil problem.

1) Soil test prices are per lawn
2) In the event of non-payment, soil samples are only kept for one week. 

(all soil tests come with a report and remedy): 

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Soil Testing Composition
Testing % of clay, sand and silt. 

Use this test to help improve your soil by adding materials.

1) Take 4 tablespoons of soil sample from about 6 inches below the surface.

2) We have more than one office for soil samples, so email us for the most convenient one.

3) Email us when you have posted the soil sample, and we will send you back your reference number.

4) We test your soil.

5) Select a payment method.

6) We email you back the test results with our recommendations.

1) Prices for soil tests are per lawn.
2) In the event of non-payment, soil samples are only kept for one week. 

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Putting Green Lawn

Creating a putting green lawn requires completely different grass types, mowing, soil and treatments to a normal lawn. We can advise your gardener on how to create and maintain a putting green lawn for your private use in your back garden/yard. 

SO if you don't know how to begin, we produce a complete step-by-step project (ground prep, soil type, composition, grass selection advice)  for you/your gardener to follow. 

Price quoted depends on size and complexity.

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Making a Bowls, Bowling Green, Tennis Court, Horse Paddock or Football Field.

Never done this before, but want to know how? We can advise you/your gardener on how to create and maintain any of the above. 

Send us some pictures of your site, give us the dimensions and any requirements you have. We produce a complete step-by-step (ground prep, soil type, composition, grass selection advice) project for you/your gardener. 

Projects start at 450 euros depending on size and complexity. 

Site visits for all designs are chargeable separate. (from 95 euros).

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Custom Lawn Repair / New Lawn Projects

Our lawn projects are intended for inexperienced customers who need guidance or step by step advice with respect to their lawn. Each Custom Lawn Repair / New Lawn Project Contains step by step recommendations on repairing or creating your lawn. It also includes support on general lawn issues. Each project is tailored to suit your lawn requirements, climate and soil type, and lists each product and step by step processes that are required to create your new lawn or get your old tired lawn back to tip top health.

(Price based on average lawn size of 150M2. Other charges may also apply.)

Starting at 350.00        
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