The cheapest and most successful solution for a Real Grass Lawn in Spain all year round.

Payment Methods

Please ensure you have paid for your consultancy or placed your order (click here) and received a payment ticket before requesting any payment methods.
(your payment ticket may take up to 24 hours)
Should you have any problems with any particular payment method then in the first instance contact your bank or choose another payment method or another bank.

Note: We do not pay bank transfer charges. These must be paid by the sender.
If we receive bank or transfer charges, then the order may be placed on hold untill the full payment for the order has been received, or we may decide to short ship the order to the value of the shortfall.

How to make Payment. Tips: We have different methods of payment, to assist customers.
Online, Debit Card Link, 2 Bank accounts via IBAN.

1) Debit Card link.
We send you a text sms to your mobile phone. You follow the instructions, and pay by your Debit Card. It's immediate,
We currently use Bunq (Bank in Holland) but you do not need a Bunq account on your phone.

2) Using your online banking (phone or laptop)
Make an IBAN trasfer to one of the two Bank Accounts. If one does not accept the payment (it happens) choose another.
Use the IBAN and SWIFT/BIC details on the screen.

Post Brexit Problems:
Some Debit Cards issued in UK (Or countries outside EU) don't go through.
Some IBAN Transfers drawn on UK Banks do not go through.
If you are a Brit, use a Spanish (or EU) Bank account (or Card) and choose a Spanish (or EU) IBAN Bank.If you are not sure about the debit card payment, you should first contact your bank and ask them why they have not made the debit card payment that you have requested.

(1) Pay by Debit Card

(2) Bank to Bank Account by IBAN Bank or Wire Transfer
The Bank account details are OUR Accounts.


Use any of your DEBIT cards to make a payment.

Pay into destination IBAN account from your phone, your internet banking system, tablet, PC or your Bank. It's also immediate.

Payment via your bank may incur charges and may not be immediate.

IBAN: NL08 BUNQ 2042 0500 32


Address: Bunq B.V. Naritaweg 131-133 1043 BS Amsterdam NL.

(remember the Beneficiary is our Payment Agent NOT LawnsinSpain) 

(3) Bank to Bank Account by IBAN Bank or Wire Transfer


Pay into destination IBAN account from your phone, your internet banking system, tablet, PC or your Bank. It's also immediate.

Payment via your bank may incur charges and may not be immediate.


IBAN: ES92 6893 0001 7700 0017 0128


Registro Mercantil de Madrid al tomo 39762, folio 71, inscripción 1, hoja M-706517, y con domicilio social en Paseo de los Melancólicos 14A, 28005 Madrid

(remember the Beneficiary is our Payment Agent NOT LawnsinSpain) 


(4) By cash into one of the above 2 Bank accounts
(5) By Mobile Phone SMS Payment Link

(Pay by any of your DEBIT cards)

On your request our Payment Agent will send you an SMS Text message to your mobile phone with a secure payment link to a web page, requesting payment. This link is sent from our Bunq account in Holland (you do not need to install the Bunq app), use this link in your browser, click on the link and select other methods of payment, fill in your debit card detailes and the details requested, and pay by your Debit Card from your mobile phone, PC or laptop. Your order is on hold until we receive payment.
So if you want to pay by Debit Card, go to "Request Payment Link" at bottom of this page
(link valid for 5 hours)

Note: Payment links are only sent if we have received an order from you.

Please ensure you have:

1) Placed your order. If not (click here)

2) You will receive a payment ticket. (allow 24 hrs)

3) And BEFORE making any payment

4) If you wish to pay via IBAN, details are above.
Or to request Payment Link, please fill in the details below, to pay via your debit card

natural, organic, green
natural, organic, green